Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody. ~ Benjamin Franklin
God & God's Will: undefined, oneness of electrified power dynamics/ transforms ions on authenticity <> sanctity <> frugality sharing purpose throughout the Universe calibrating earth planet <> human(ity) <> lives on earth authenticity <> sanctity <> frugality sharing co-manifestation system as rectifying <> sanctifying <> regulating center of the cosmos.
Heaven/ The Kingdom of God: Cosmos holistic wireless self-operating computer system.
Hu(ge)man(ity) Primordial Life: Wireless, self-operating computer, energy (ion) dimension. It's universe-size matrix parameter set (field) of moving energy -- called energy body, that every nanosecond manifests physical (icon) -- called meat-blood-bone body -- dimension.
Living a Nobody Life: UPOL lifers practice living, every nanosecond, in the ion dimension of life, beholding every phenomenon of its icon dimension by it electrified ion eye (6th sense vibration), to be always consciously supervising TTT karmic boomerangs ruling on UPOL sharing co-manifestion -- called UPOL Life Lab Living on Civic Capitalism.
A man starts to live, when he can live outside himself. ~ Albert Einstein
Start Living: To be wise, powerful, happy, and rich as a person of values on living path, not a person of (showing-off) success on death path, amid leverage love of ever-increasing numbers of co-innovative partners and sucessors, man need relearning to live a nobody's UPOL Life Lab Living.
Enlightened: Man needs, as implied in The Genesis, only 6 lightyear days to reinvent his own multi-hyperlinked world of Eden Garden in the galaxy of UPOL backup mentoring system by recreating his life (resurrection and stably rippling of The Son) on Jesus Christ hinted The Son <> The Cosmos Spirit <> The Father electrified bridging connections enrouting UPOL sharing co-manifestation (9 runlet vessels combined) IP address.
Information is as a source of production by and in itself. It gives life's power of co-manifestation. Data without information can give provisional motivation and kill life later.
Beware of the message of the wicked, it will cause you to cause others en mass in troubles.
~ Mohammad
The universalnet bridging run signal flows of heaven (cosmos) IT (trinity of life -- life force, intuitive wisdom and communal hi-touch influence auras) pervading life man-made IT-tech (serpent's language: motivative data without information) unto the surroundings in touch.
To get to The Kingdom of God, you have to convert yourselves as little children. ~ Jesus Christ
Die Befor Death: Practice locking off heroism <> egoism <> individualism (gridlock darning engine) <> plutocratic passion <> pharaonic ambition (devilization/ anti-civilization co-innovation darning engine) by download-reading from throughout OMYIYAMEDA webring <> Practice & beholding the effects of profound listening <> getting on counseling oraculatory involution with a UPOL Ambactus. overriding almighty power of responsive cosmos-backup-link responsive mind.
Everybody's left-brain-ruled anti-civilization co-innovation darning engine can be locked off sometimes on occasions, though not at wish and not in all circumstances. Trimetapolarity Life Lab Living makes it possible for controlling left-right switching.
Right to Choose: You can choose to live empowering Civic capitalism that empowers, cools down, and frees dreamer's lives by circulating generations of trimetapolarity practitioners in and out of pharaonic and plutocratic capitalist hemispheres -- that utopianize individuals and family, social, economic, state organizations globally.
Or to live power-low and powerless, busy struggling exhaustedly working for, empowering, and involuting pharonic-plutocratic worlds of BBBs (bosses, banks, brewers) -- which are rulling the planet sinking to epoch-shift apocalypse.
Comet Friends: Either way you choose is amen (up to you). But, if you choose not to come along with UPOL sharing co-manifestors (Civic Capitalist co-innovators) learn to live together in distance as comets, non-advocacy friend.
Just Too Good, Not Idiot: Hold on! We're not saying BBBs and millions of intellectuals working for them are idot. We just see through our intellectualities in our past lives (hitherto backward) that their responsive (responding to God's will) stumbling.
They're manifesting their own destiney on death pathway of life exerting (wit/ IQ = quick orthodox thinking), material power/ pleasure-celebrity-respect-seeking greed, lust, anger perfectionizing the Alpha Leftwing cultural trajectories -- condemning lives of their own and othes in association
All UPOL lifers have been there (on Heaven-mandated Wisdom-test Game Plan I) and done that.
Go on Perpetual Darning ?: Man begins (to choose the way of life) at 40. Beyond 40 the majority fixes life on pharaonic-plutocratic orthodox death path with an illusive accuse, "I'm too old to change", though Col. Sanders (KFC founders exemplified beginning to change at 65). Only a small fraction of the minority refix life on UPOL living path. Because, the only hi-touch bridging IP address exists among unlimited numbers of variable IP addresses in spiritual realm.
Working Heart: God-hinted, the prophets-navigated mentexodus living is simple for serious practitioners -- just live working heart radiating the values of who you are and what you have to deserve being cared, loved, leveraged, trusted, and shared by unlimited numbers of others.
Nobody is perfect. I'm nobody, so I'm perfect. ~ Anon
Metaphysical Exodus
English | Thai -- DownloadReading reformatting self-eating BIOS interfacing Earth's self-healing, prompting mitosis nexus retrofix Bi(bub)ble BioBoomerang Symbiosis Society Overview Don't believe us. Trust your Maha Vashira, Narayana Homa Eye of the Son's Living-path matrix "Don’t be afraid your life will end; afraid that it will never begin". ~ Grace Hansen "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." ~ Aldous Huxley |
Soulful Questor's Symbiosis Uthose Metahealinks > InfoBridge > UPOL Lifers > Antaquitas > Love Redirect > Sheng Jens > SAF Franchise > 3D Life Lab > Re-HRML > Re-BIOS > Armageddoners > Hobbit dUmos > Vashira Healing > Frugalis Circuit MicedUmos Mission BJM Oracular Retreat,Life BIOS Upgrade & Hearttop (W)ho(l)liday Redelivery Camps Since 29/ 7/ 2010: Clips Quotes "Greatest danger for most of us is not that our (living) aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it". ~ Michelangelo | Ascension: Ever(r)est CHCA Living "We confine loving money, friends, sex, material things to living wisely well together with other people's kids. For we're all are here as somebody's else kids to each other, to leverage-love each other". ~ Ralph Peterson "Love religions as halved-truth-man-ruled arms of pharaonic-plutocratic politicalism". ~ BJM #45 Zenith Noetic Mouse: Having cloned some few leverage-love, partnering successors role modeling com+mercy CEO leader+log > ship > Ark dynamic connections, zenith Aesop Mice mentors roam planet in Negrito playing 4 human dealing hobbies; 1. Spending few hours a week contributing their life-lab reports to OMYIYAMEDA web ring editorial hub. 2. Visiting relearning camps to help building committed voluntary apprentices. 3. Scanning for whoever truly seeking way to go beyond entangled social/ sex/ marketing/ political networking, seriously walking OMYIYAMEDA InfoBridge to get conformally close MicedUmos Metaphysical culture. 4. Shut up keeping rational distances from left wing extremists. Secreet TunnelLink Outsource "The visible is illusive and temporal. The invisible is real and lasting". ~ Albert Einstein/ all prophets Wisdom, dwelling-in-whiling Maha Vashira Narayana Eye, sees invisible subatomic trilogical truth whiling process making the appearances of atomic trilogical facts about visible mobile phenomena ;-
Religiosity Face Lift "To mobile truly free on mission, no prophet, after Solomon, built a temple, mosque, church, synagogue (~ Ralph Peterson) Religion Face Lift "I'm religiously unbeliever". ~ Albert Einstein "Religiosity blocks this way". ~ Mohammad "All prophet got Tao embodied or embodied Tao outside religions". ~ Ralph Peterson "God is for the alive, not the death". ~ Jesus Christ "We don't make differences among the prophets". ~ All prophets Beyond Self-hypnotized Religiosity: If religions genuinely emulate the prophets, the world might have been utopianly in peace. Religions, however, are our past life's investment, support and respect their existing right. They're components of God's and your left arms handling the majority, gathering people for you pick up few voluntary relearners -- when you start mastering CHCA living co-extending an Olam Ha-Ba galaxy surrounding life. Left Wing Soulmates: There are many religionists practice OM overriding yin-yang (meditation) in action with astralism string attached, unaware of double-layer gridlocks of PPC PARISM, seeing no way to liberate,. "You have to see through both darkholes and wormholes". ~ Mohammad |
Reproof: "All prophets re-installed HG (Tao) OS hyperlinks outside religions". ~ Ralph Peterson "God is for the alive, not the death". ~ Jesus Christ, -- for, "The death died for the alive". ~ Mohammad -- and thus, "Live microcosm namas macrocosm (nanosecondly in heaven on earth)". ~ Buddha "Partner only with CHCA living practitioners, take cautious care of left wing devotees in appropriate distances". ~ Ralph Peterson "Those people traded off their future for today" ~ Mohammad |
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