Metaphysical Exodus

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Bi(bub)ble BioBoomerang Symbiosis Society Overview
Don't believe us. Trust your Maha Vashira, Narayana Homa Eye of the Son's Living-path matrix

"Don’t be afraid your life will end; afraid that it will never begin". ~ Grace Hansen "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." ~ Aldous Huxley

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MicedUmos Mission
BJM Oracular Retreat,
Life BIOS Upgrade & Hearttop (W)ho(l)liday Redelivery Camps

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Clips Quotes

"Greatest danger for
most of us is not that
our (living) aim is too
high and we miss it,
but that it is too low
and we reach it".

~ Michelangelo
Ascension: Ever(r)est CHCA Living
"We confine loving money, friends, sex, material things to living wisely well together with other people's kids. For we're all are here as somebody's else kids to each other, to leverage-love each other". ~ Ralph Peterson "Love religions as halved-truth-man-ruled arms of pharaonic-plutocratic politicalism". ~ BJM #45

Zenith Noetic Mouse: Having cloned some few leverage-love, partnering successors role modeling com+mercy CEO leader+log > ship > Ark dynamic connections, zenith Aesop Mice mentors roam planet in Negrito playing 4 human dealing hobbies; 1. Spending few hours a week contributing their life-lab reports to OMYIYAMEDA web ring editorial hub. 2. Visiting relearning camps to help building committed voluntary apprentices. 3. Scanning for whoever truly seeking way to go beyond entangled social/ sex/ marketing/ political networking, seriously walking OMYIYAMEDA InfoBridge to get conformally close MicedUmos Metaphysical culture. 4. Shut up keeping rational distances from left wing extremists.

Secreet TunnelLink Outsource
"The visible is illusive and temporal. The invisible is real and lasting". ~ Albert Einstein/ all prophets

Wisdom, dwelling-in-whiling Maha Vashira Narayana Eye, sees invisible subatomic trilogical truth whiling process making the appearances of atomic trilogical facts about visible mobile phenomena ;-
  • 1. Nobody is alone. Everybody represents a loose-link/ fragile, broken mob lurking behind him, either it be clanistic, ethinic, religiose, patriotic, fashion-fever, or even u-alumni mob

  • . 2. Man biocomputer's RAM Opens Sesame 84,000 gateways 24 hours, but works well only on 1 browser window at a time.
Thus, they avoid 1-on-mob dealing, elsticating 1-on-1 caring-sharing-love links, filing surrouding reps into 4 folders; 1. GPR: General public reps. 2 PCR: Prequent/ patronage customers. 3. VAR: Voluntary elastics
Religiosity Face Lift "To mobile truly free on mission, no prophet, after Solomon, built a temple, mosque, church, synagogue (~ Ralph Peterson)

Religion Face Lift
"I'm religiously unbeliever". ~ Albert Einstein "Religiosity blocks this way". ~ Mohammad "All prophet got Tao embodied or embodied Tao outside religions". ~ Ralph Peterson "God is for the alive, not the death". ~ Jesus Christ "We don't make differences among the prophets". ~ All prophets

Beyond Self-hypnotized Religiosity: If religions genuinely emulate the prophets, the world might have been utopianly in peace. Religions, however, are our past life's investment, support and respect their existing right. They're components of God's and your left arms handling the majority, gathering people for you pick up few voluntary relearners -- when you start mastering CHCA living co-extending an Olam Ha-Ba galaxy surrounding life.

Left Wing Soulmates: There are many religionists practice OM overriding yin-yang (meditation) in action with astralism string attached, unaware of double-layer gridlocks of PPC PARISM, seeing no way to liberate,. "You have to see through both darkholes and wormholes". ~ Mohammad

Prophesying Oracular Chiasma Integrity
"You don't have to be perfect. Just keep getting closer to (HG OS overriding HB OS) perfection". ~ Mohammad

Flying (Mality) Dragon
: Virtuous family, socio-economic community kings live God's image likeliness wheeling transparent (shadowless/intellectualless/ incarnageless) livingpath dharmma shakti (0, 1 trilogical) Tao (HG OS) fortune whell being (flying dragon circulatory pervasions), radiating to rule yin-yang balance -- by overriding encompassing, modifing empowering, engendering right/ wrong, good/ bad, black/ white (shadowy/intellectual fool/incarnging) deathpath dharma shakti (-1, 0, 1) being via man's geneis chiasma (symbolized in Greek letter Chi) in pro(before)found(discovery) serenity.

Chinese Legend: Once upon a time, there was a man named Lord Ye who claimed to love dragons very much. Pictures of dragons were embroidered on his clothes, carved on his cup and painted on his walls.

An actual dragon in heaven knew that Lord Ye loved dragons very much, so it descended to his house. The dragon looked through the window and pushed its tail into the hall. But Lord Ye's face turned pale out of fear for the real dragon. He fled away.Apparently Lord Ye didn't actually love dragons with sincerity.

What he loved were just things that looked like dragons.

Sarcasm: "Nobody is perfect. I'm nobody, so I'm perfect". ~ Anon

Uplink <> Downlink Pivot Core Axes
"Better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.... One hour's meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer". ~ Mohammad

God's Commercy Proxy: Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first.

Celestial Blessing: HG OS feelinglink kingdom of deistic God pervading you unto the surroundings): Omnibus, omnipresent, omnisexual inter(transformative)being of cosmic eyeNarayana Homa Vashira omnidirectional, onminiscient, ommatidium, Vision <> omnifarious, omnipotent, ominium gatherum efficacies symbiosizing HB (intellectual editor/ modifier softwares) OS -- integrates your 5-element temperament [primodial Ad(d)a(r)m feelinglinks

Material Dream Disbodies:

Feeling to be, to do, to have materially is alien's emotional intellect-geared, driving you to collect know-hows ignoring know-whys, spinning juxtaposition to plan action plans -- dynamic clouding shadows blocking the Son's ascension gateway [(neo)miosis chiasma needle hole median path modem-router IP address] insensating your flying dragon's blissing <> blessing uplink, downlink, middlelink, compassionlink, diffusionlink connections

Nobody's Perfect:
Man's intellect habitually namas orphaned HB OS (disabling/ ignoring HG OS creates and widens unlimited loophole chasms between ideal intention & attention) heading on in opposite direction to getting close to perfection -- the reason he attempt to perfectionize ruling by force.

No Aesop Mice Perfect: Same as OMYIYAMEDA web ring & mice's relearning camps connections, every intellect-ruled house, either it's God's house (man's 3D iconbody), family, religion, business, government house (organized 3D icons cathedrals) is underconstruction.

Narayana Homa Maha Vashira Healing Oracle
"Cooling celestial light override-ruling astral heating light amplifies Narayana Homa Maha Vashira Prani commercy healing & reinnovation evolution." ~ BJM #99

God's Eye Holistically Heals: Man's long-term desperation, fluctuation, repression, oppression, struggle, lonely, hectic struggles, whiling life in siege of left brain's dock piles up Aristotelian's intoxicating debris metadata, fermenting impetus fire of fragile-x-syndrome psychic mania > Alexander syndrome distorting leverage love)

Reproof: "All prophets re-installed HG (Tao) OS hyperlinks outside religions". ~ Ralph Peterson "God is for the alive, not the death". ~ Jesus Christ, -- for, "The death died for the alive". ~ Mohammad -- and thus, "Live microcosm namas macrocosm (nanosecondly in heaven on earth)". ~ Buddha "Partner only with CHCA living practitioners, take cautious care of left wing devotees in appropriate distances". ~ Ralph Peterson "Those people traded off their future for today" ~ Mohammad

Monday, August 23, 2010


1. Outfit processor (IQ: Idiota qualifyer) --- God <> Cosmos righteous whiling wing (arm) empowers material appearance fomulation process pervading man's 3D icons. 2. Infit processor (EQ: Excelsus qualifyer) -- Righteus wing empowering sancitified <> authenticated <> frugalized life force, intuitive wisdom, commnual hi-touch influences while processing 1.

'Time and money in helping men do more for themselves is far better than mere giving'.~ Henry Ford "


, gambling life in Kali condemned Sisyphus roulette; 1. Die young/die unnatural. 2. Survive crippled/ suffer stress and chronic ailing. 3. Get old broke & die poor. 4. Stay rich in sickbed, vexed by relatives/ watching kids vying/ killing each other for bigger legacy.

Whirls of Unconditional Love: Whirling of unconditonal, unlimited love to give without expectation (pure, virtuous, altruistic, true love of ruling by gridlockless giving) is the capacity of God <> Cosmos <> the prophesying Son/ Abdul (Adam/ Eve reborn) fractal biocomputer connections on celestrialism-stringed Auto slide-ruling GCE (Goodness <> Compassion <> Excellence) mode range opperations. GCE mode range exists among CHCA (Heartpone Conference in Action) practitioners.


Humanism Constituton: 3 zipped folders of principles God gave to our inner Ad(d)a(r)ms to hold Tao OS uplink strengths as a God proxy living always heavenly lifting relearning man's 3D icons on earth -- found in all-level, consensus prophetic leader role models.
  • Be fruitful, multiplied in God image's likeness. Fill earth & subdue it – teeming the sea with living creatures & birds, & on land with wild beasts, livestock, reptiles, man & woman - to fly back to heaven (ionly alive)”. ~ Unified prophetic role models.

  • Don't eat the fruits from the tree of right and wrong.

  • Beware of a serpent.


แก่นสาส์นชี้นำ: "พระเจ้ายกทุกคนที่ล้มและอุ้มชูทุกคนที่น่านับถือ" ~ Psalm 145:14 "พาขึ้นทั้งคู่ทั้งสูงและต่ำ" ~ เล่า จื่อ "เรา ไม่บอกสูให้ทำดีกว่าถือศีลอด บริจาค สวดหรือ? สร้างสันติภาพระหว่างเรากับคนอื่นคนต่อคนซี ก็ความรู้สึกอาฆาตและพยายาทฉีกขาดรางวัลสวรรค์ตั้งแต่ราก .... สมาธิชั่วโมงเดียวยามเคลื่อนไหวทำงานของ the Creator ดีกว่าสวดอ้อนวอนเจ็ดปี". ~ โมฮัมหมัด "อุทิศ (เลิกติดยึด/ ปล่อยวาง/ ตั้งเข็มทิศใช้สอยเสียใหม่) วัตถุ, ความรู้เกี่ยวข้องคบค้าจัดสรรแบ่งปันเพื่อมีกินมีใช้และทรัพยากรของเอ เลี่ยน, และงานที่ทำโดยโปรแกรม HB OS -- เพื่อใชั้ชีวิตสงบสุขเบิกบานหัวใจสานเกลียวสอดสาน Tao (HG) OS Fortune Wheel". ~ บรรดาศาสดา 1. Loving is giving other happiness. 2. Compassion is removing other's bitterness. 3. joy is freeing others from suffering. ~ Buddha

Crucial Hints: "The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down". ~ Psalm 145:14 "Bring them up together the high and the low". ~ Lao Tzu "Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots .... One hour's meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer". ~ Mohammad "Sacrifice (detatch/ abandon/ redirect applications) materials, alien living-socializing-fruglizing knowledge, work on HB OS -- for living lesurely blissing heart interfacing Tao (HG) OS Fortune Wheel". ~ All prophets

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